Successful GDS Partnerships
Organizations Making A Change
- The Dunbar Coalition
- Tucson Urban League
- Potential of Ability POA
- Joy of Life Day Center & Child Development
- Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA)
- Eller Executive Education
- Community Foundation of Tucson
- Catholic Charities of Tucson
- The City of San Bernardino Parks/Police Dept
- The City of Yuma
- City of Claremont
- Historical Societies
- Eastern Empowerment
- Fiesta Bowl Charities
- Community Foundations
- After School Alliance
- Meadows Foundations
- KaBoo Creative Play
- Arizona State Parks and Trails
- HHS Department
- Westside Christian Center
- Small Business Administration
- Pascual Yaqui Tribe
- Mt. Calvary Missionary Baptist Church
- Belize Indigenous Alliance
- Tucson Juneteenth Festival Committe